Why We Help
Globally, nearly 93 million children live with disabilities.
Discrimination towards these children is a global problem but is much worse in developing countries. It comes from lack of understanding or ignorance of its cause, negative religious views, fear of difference or social stigma. Extreme poverty, geographical and social isolation, limited access to care, humanitarian crises or governments that are incapable of or disinterested in helping this part of their population worsens their realities.
Too often, these children are defined or judged by their disability, injury, condition or illness. Sadly, their exclusion and invisibility make them increasingly vulnerable, denying them respect for their dignity, individuality, even the right to life itself.
Rather than viewing these children as having “disabilities,” Project Lolo believes they have “differing abilities.” We advocate that all children should live limitless lives. We believe that no child should should ever be denied their right to life, healthcare, education, or dignity because of their differing abilities.
While we strive to help all children gain equal standing and opportunity in life by providing access to orthopedic medical care or orthopedic devices, we are starting our efforts in developing countries where the need is greatest.
Project Lolo (R) is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-deemed 501 c-3 non-profit, public charity duly incorporated and registered in the State of Minnesota. Donations and gifts made to Project Lolo are considered tax-deductible charitable contributions under this designation. Project Lolo's Federal Tax Identification number is 82-0907110. AmazonSmile and the AmazonSmile logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.